

Tuesday 14th January at Banquet Records, 6:00pm

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LP + Ticket

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Most recently dispatched: 14 January

Admission will be via order number, please bring yours to the shop.

To celebrate the release of the new album EP, Plane Motors & Train Whistles, Skydaddy visits Kingston to play an in-store set.

The EP takes its title from George Bailey’s famous line in It’s a Wonderful Life, where he names “the three greatest sounds in the world.” These sounds, representing a belief in technological progress, echo throughout the EP as metaphors for the anxieties of modern life


In-store Grade C. Performance expected to start shortly after time shown.

Priority will be given to anyone who orders a copy of 'Open The Door' from us. If there's space on the day for more people, we'll let you know!

Accessible tickets? Info here.

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Skydaddy Tuesday 14th January at Banquet Records, 6:00pm
SKYD140125.png Past Event

Item code: SKYD140125
Info correct on: 14/1/2025